O Caráter Conta! também em Resende...

Duas oficinas-apresentações do
método "O Caráter Conta!" de educação ética para cerca de 100 estudantes de duas escolas da rede municipal de ensino de Resende RJ, nos dias 27 de agosto e 3 de setembro de 2018, acompanhados por seus professores, realizadas no Centro Cultural Espaço Z, no centro de Resende.
The Character Counts! in Resende, too...

Two workshops-presentations on the
method "Character Counts" of ethics education for about 100 students from two schools of the municipal education network of Resende RJ, on August 27 and September 3, 2018, accompanied by their teachers, held at Centro Cultural Espaço Z, in the center of Resende.

Acima, a audiência...
, o Superintendente Pedagógico da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Resende, Prof.Dr. Mário José Dias, apresenta o palestrante, Joaquim Moura e a preocupação da Secretaria em promover os valores indispensáveis para que a sociedade possa evoluir.
Above, the audience...
, the Pedagogical Superintendent of the Municipal Secretary of Education of Resende, Prof.Dr. Mário José Dias, presents the speaker, Joaquim Moura and the Secretary's concern to promote the values that are indispensable for society to evolve.

Após a exibição da apresentação sobre educação ética, os alunos foram convidados a formarem grupos, onde listariam o que consideram comportamentos desrespeitosos, que os desagradam.
Áfter the presentation on ethics education, the students were invited to form groups, where they would list what they consider disrespectful behaviors, which displease them.

Abaixo, representantes dos grupos lêem o que foi listado por seus respectivos integrantes.
Below, group representatives read what was listed by their respective members.

Andréa Costa, coordenadora de Educação Ambiental da Secretaria de Educação de Resende On the left, Teacher Andréa Costa, Coordinator of Environmental Education at the Secretary of Education of Resende
Acima, enquanto as conclusões dos grupos eram lidas, a professora Andréa Costa, coordenadora de Educação Ambiental da Secretaria de Educação de Resende, ia consolidando as opiniões para a revisão final.
Os demais estudantes escutaram com interesse cada sugestão apresentada, recebendo-as com aplausos, pois todos se reconheciam nas situações listadas  pelos vários grupos.

Above, while the conclusions of the groups were read, teacher Andréa Costa, Coordinator of Environmental Education at the Secretary of Education of Resende, was consolidating opinions for the final revision.
The other students listened with interest to each suggestion presented, receiving them with applause, because all recognized themselves in the situations listed by the various groups.

Acima, a consolidação final de todas as ideias dos jovens sobre o que é desrespeito.
A conclusão
que os jovens perceberam é que a lista criada com tudo que os incomoda gera uma outra lista, que mostra como devemos tratar os outros.
Muito obrigado a todos que participaram dessa atividade, especialmente aos alunos das Escolas Municipais Julio Verne e Oswaldo da Rocha Camões, e à Andréa e ao Mário, sem os quais ela não teria sido possível.

Above, the final consolidation of all young people's ideas about what is disrespectful.
The conclusion the young people realized is that the list created with everything that bothers them generates another list, which shows how we should treat others.
Many thanks to all who participated in this activity, especially the students of the Julio Verne and
Oswaldo da Rocha Camões Municipal High Schools, and to Andrea and Mario, without whom it would be impossible.

Repetição da atividade para estudantes de outras três escolas, em 3 de setembro de 2018
Activity on value "Respect" for students from three other schools on September 3, 2018
Acima, os estudantes dividiram-se em seis grupos e foram convidados a escreverem no papel amarelo os comportamentos que eles consideram desrespeitosos, indevidos e destestáveis.
Abaixo, cada grupo lê o que foi escrito e assim os jovens avaliam juntos a importância do respeito numa profundidade que eles nunca haviam experimentado até então.
Above, the students were divided into six groups and invited to write on the yellow paper the behaviors that they consider disrespectful, which they consider undue and disgusting.
Below, each group reads what was written and the young people evaluate together the importance of respect, to a depth they have never experienced before.

Resultado consolidado das duas atividades
The two activities' consolidated results

How do you NOT like being treated?
On August 29 and September 3, we asked 100 students from Resende's municipal education network what behaviors they consider unpleasant and do not like others to do with them.
We have gathered the result below: the 50 behaviors that students consider disrespectful ...

Abuse of power
Aggressions, shoves and threats
Unwanted nicknames
Bland or offensive jokes
Criticism of my appearance
Contempt for life
Disrespect to nature
Teacher disrespect
Talk to me shouting
Speak ill of the family.
Lack of compassion
Lack of discipline
Lack of ethics
Lack of brotherhood
Lack of hygiene
Lack of humility
Lack of respect
Lack of sympathy
Theft, robbery
Homophobia, prejudice with LGBT people
Insults and swearing
Prejudiced judgments
Bad creation
Move in my hair.
Fake trends
Take things without authorization
Be judged by appearance
Use of force, violence

And you?
Do you agree? What do you think of who behaves like that?

he young people realized that this list teaches us what not to do with others, according to the Golden Rule:
Treat others as we want to be treated.

Abaixo, o estandarte realizado pelos estudantes da Escola Municipal Surubi motivados pela proposta de promover os valores que contam na vida pessoal, profissional e social. Below, the banner made by the students of the Municipal School Surubi motivated by the proposal to promote the values that count in personal, professional and social life.