Grupo de Trabalho de Resíduos Sólidos - GTRS
Conselho da APA Federal da Serra da Mantiqueira - CONAPAM
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Introducing decentralized composting in Delfim Moreira, MG
Development of the project

16. Composting and club of practices organizing activities on August 28
15. Composting activities carried out by the students of the State High School in July 2017
14. Creating a "club of practices" in the State High School and visiting the composters on August 25
13. Involving the youth in the project: a proposal for the local State High School
12. Visit to evaluate the composters' use and meeting at the local State High School on July 6
11. Demonstrative workshops and delivery of the first 14 composters on June 2
10. First visitation to the pilot neighborhood to identify people interested in composting  on Mai 06
09. Photographic album and questionnaire for visitation and identification of residents interested in composting
08. Meeting the municipal Health agents about composting, on March 29
07. First composting workshop in Delfim Moreira, on March 22 at the Municipal Elementary School
06. The planning meeting held on January 28 2016 in Delfim Moreira, and its own planning
05. Basic considerations about the project
04. Basic data on Delfim Moreira e the waste management in the municipality
03. Urban area's map of Delfim Moreira
02. Urban area's satellite view of Delfim Moreira
01. Webpage of Delfim Moreira's local government

a. GTRS' project for the municipalities included in APA da Serra da Mantiqueira
b. Pilot-projeto in Visconde de Mauá (Resende, RJ)
c. Pictures of composters in use in Visconde de Mauá